Waxing On…about the history of encaustic painting, collagraph printmaking, encaustic restoration, studio practice, the moon and stars, and more.

Elise Wagner Elise Wagner

Arriving at Wonder Land

What’s in a Title? Naming an artwork and an art show is a process. Here’s how I arrived at Wonder Land. The titles of each work individually will represent aspects of all the show titles in one way or another years, along with the title of the show morphing and changing with me through time, and through life will continue manifesting as I complete the last pieces. Read on…

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April 2024, Blog Elise Wagner April 2024, Blog Elise Wagner

From Doubt to Discovery: Preparing for Upcoming Shows (SNEAK PEEKS)

Relocating from Portland, Oregon to Astoria, Oregon on the North Coast where the force of the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean has been a big life change. Admittedly, I love the storminess of this part of the state and my work often references meteorology, climate, and geology. I can watch the storms land ashore from the constant horizon line surrounding me. Observing weather patterns and the greater connection to wild nature aligns with my creative practice, inviting me to focus. Now, as Winter makes way for Spring, the recent solar eclipse has ignited a surge of creativity that will catapult me to the completion of these twenty new works for my upcoming exhibition.

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Blog, Educational Elise Wagner Blog, Educational Elise Wagner

The Challenges and Rewards of Teaching Encaustic Painting

These days I am more selective about how often I take time away from my studio practice to teach, but it important to me that I continue to share the love of this ancient painting technique with the world. Teaching encaustic painting is a unique and rewarding experience that allows me to share me passion and knowledge with others. Encaustic offers a plethora of creative possibilities.

In this blog, I’ll delve into the challenges and rewards that come with teaching encaustic painting, and how it can transform both the teacher and the students.

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