The Year of the Snake Part 1: Shedding My Scrappy Skin

2025 is the Year of the Snake. Over the next several blogs, I’ll be talking about how the Year of the Snake’s symbolism and significance how it coincides with my life, is influencing my current work and what it means for so many of us as we move through this year.

The 2025 Lunar New Year marks the beginning of the Year of the Wood Snake, a time in the Chinese zodiac that is rich in cultural significance. The Snake is known for its intelligence, mystery, and transformative nature, and in 2025, these qualities are enhanced by the Wood element. This combination symbolizes growth, renewal, and adaptability, encouraging individuals to embrace change, reflect on their journey, and pursue personal development. I’m sure the wheels are already turning in your head as to what this symbolizes for you! The Wood Snake merges the Snake’s wisdom, strategic thinking, and problem-solving abilities with the growth, creativity, and flexibility of the Wood element. This year invites individuals to shed old patterns and embrace new opportunities, much like how a Snake sheds its skin, symbolizing transformation and readiness for change.

At the very beginning of the year, I felt this shedding of skin and and readiness for change on a visceral level. The dream of what I have been working so hard for all of these years was rapidly unfolding before my very eyes. Partnering up to found Pier 11 Studio at the start of the year, forced me to shed my fear and distrust and instead step into the reaility that I've created with the support and encouragement of so many people near, dear and far.

Photo: Ren Allen, Pier 11 Studio

Pictured: Wagner Collagraph Wax, Formulated for Printmaking

For example, 15 years ago, I formulated the white wax I use for Encaustic Collagraph Printmaking. I wanted to make and sell my encaustic collagraph wax for distribution to a broader audience but was hindered by a lack of resources and help navigating both the vast world of the art materials industry and the process and costs involved with labratory testing and AP labeling. AP labeling and testing ensures products are non-toxic when used as intended and is a requirement for all artist materials. Entrusting my business partner Ren with this project many years later, I now find myself on the cusp of bringing my product to market and being able to share the magic it can create with artists who print everywhere. The product has been ACMI (Art & Creative Materials Institute) approved and will be labeled just in time to teach my upcoming printmaking classes at Artichoke Print Workshop in London.

Photo: Patrick Webb, The Astorian

Moving my studio from a basement to Pier 11 Studio has been a game changer in terms of it’s influence on my work and the ability to host students and artists to share my love of painting and printmaking. I literally went from bumping my head on my track lights constantly in a basement with one window to a light filled room with huge windows, high ceilings and daily communing with ships and harbor seals as I work. The Year of the Snake symbolizes adaptability and I very quickly adapted to this new space and immediately began seeing its affects transform my work. I've always been a natural connector of community and people, and now I have a place to continue to really thrive in this capacity.

Pictured: Bowline Hotel, Astoria

The potential of the space with jaw dropping views is inspiring, inviting and large enough to be able to have separate spaces for my studio and teaching my techniques. I am excited to bring back my visiting artist series first incepted in my Portland studio in 2015 when I invited a few of my colleagues from New Jersey, Philly, Chicago and Sonoma to come, stay in my Airbnb and teach a class. The Visiting Artist series at Pier 11 Studio will take place in Summer and Fall months. It will coincide with the Astoria Artwalk so that visitors for classes, will get a nice dose of the Astoria’s creative culture. The Visiting Artist Series will attract people to Astoria where the studio overlook’s our nextdoor neighbor the Bowline Hotel. I envision students walking to class from the hotel or a nearby Airbnb and stopping at Sleeper Coffee at Pier 12 before heading over to Pier 11 for class with the Riverwalk Cafe just across the hall for breakfast. It’s going to be amazing!

Pictured: Upgrade! My new Takach Press Table

The scrappy self I was needing to shed didn’t go down without a fight though. As a young artist, I pulled my studio furnishings together by the most scrappy means available on the street, in dumpsters or at garage sales. These furnishings became badges, companions and talismans representative of my creative path in earnest. They are coated with every mark, scratch and drip that my work left behind. With the move, I had to let go of some things, not all, but some. You wouldn't believe how hard it was for me to come to the realization that many of the work tables I've scrapped together over the years just couldn’t fit into the new space. But the reality is, they are bulky and hard to handle and I am not getting any younger. There comes a need with age to start thinking about ease and ergonomics of use and flexibility if you plan on continuing to work. One law remains though: everything is on wheels!

Some of the key words that describe this Year of the Snake seem to be ringing true for me; adaptability, renewal, shedding old habits, encouraging change and personal development. I feel as if I'm shedding my scrappy self and stepping into a new more refined version of myself, one that I have earned with every ounce of my creative being. In this Year of the Snake, I have shed some old ways of doing things that no longer work, relationships that no longer serve and have felt encouraged and more eager to embrace change. Realizing I am upon some of the best and most productive years of my life, I eliminated the habits that were creating a barrier to becoming my best self. I'm seeing that by collaborating with others, so much more is possible than thrashing through life with a scarcity mentality, feeling like I'm always on my own. Thank you for you all for your encouragement and support through these many years! This is a special time that is culminating and I'm humbled by and grateful for the space that Ren and I have established to bring the community together in creating at Pier 11 Studio.

How has this Year of the Snake been for you so far? I’d love to hear from you. :)

My next post will dive a little deeper into the symbolism surrounding this Year of the Snake.

Elise Wagner

Painter, printmaker and educator based in Portland, Oregon. Exhibiting in Houston, Washington D.C. and Seattle.

Cheers to a Wonderful 2024 and Exciting Adventures Ahead in 2025!